Widows Sons Ireland Gallery and our YouTube channel link
Welcome and hope you enjoy the pictures and videos of our outings and runs
2013-2015 Gallery

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
Easter Monday Runday
Members run out on Easter Monday doing a lap of the lough and for most 160 miles door to door.

Glastry Presbyterian Tractor Run
Evening run down to Glastry Presbyterian's Tractor Run and BBQ in aid of Cancer Focus N.I. and their building's fund.

Sperrins & Tyrone Run 9th May
Supporting Quay Vipers Childrens Hospice Run 10th May

Widows Sons Ireland

Support Run with the MG Club to Brownlow House Lurgan - 13th June 2015
Support run

Treasure Hunt Run & BBQ - 4th July 2015
Run around Belfast and Down to six points and back to the Mount for a BBQ
Markethill 26th September 2015
Banbridge and fews forest for a lunch stop in Markethill Masonic Hall.

Supporting Downriders MCC Assisi Poker Run - 17th June 2015
Few members supporting Downriders MCC's 2nd Annual poker run for Assisi Animal Sanctuary.
Donegal Trip - 1st - 2nd August 2015
A great trip up to Malin head then down to Glenties for our overnight in Donegal.
North Coast 4th October 2015
One of our last members runs of the year, from Carrickfergus for a run around the North Coast, Torr Head and chips in Ballycastle.

Various Runs - 2013 - 2014
Collection of pictures from our own runs and also runs of other clubs we have supported.
Rathfriland "Marathon Meeting" Support Run - 20th June 2015
Run down to Rathfriland to support their Marathon Meeting.
Scottish Borders Trip - 4th - 6th September 2015
A fantastic 3 days were spent in and around the Scottish borders Taking in some breath taking scenery we covering 500 mile.
Widows Sons Quiz Night 21st November 2015
Our quiz went down well with a brilliant night of craic and all in aid of a great cause which is this years nominated charity.
2016 Gallery

Widows Sons Cinema Night 16th February 2016
First of our events for 2016 were we had a showing of National Treasure in the Tudor cinema.

"Back in the Saddle" first run of 2016
First run of the year taking a loop around Lough Neagh covering around 160 miles for most door to door.

Presidents night 2016 - Mount Masonic Centre
Fantastic night at our Presidents night, when we got to hand over our cheque for £1500 to our nominated charity.

April 2016 - Carlingford Members Run
Run out and around Carlingford for our second members run of the year.

May and June 2016 - Members Runs and Support Runs
Sperrins, North West, Glastry Presbyterian Church, Davy Maine memorial run and Quay Vipers Hospice Run.

July 2016 - Treasure hunt & BBQ
A treasure hunt run around 6 points in Down in torrential downpours and sunny spells, with a BBQ.

July 24th 2016 - TLC support run for 100,000th Bear
Support run for Teddies for Loving Care for their delivery of the 100,000th Bear.

July 29th-31st 2016 - Widows Sons National Rally
The Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association National Rally 2016 held by Widows Sons Scotland.

August run 2016 - Annalong Masonic Hall
A scenic run through the Mournes and stopping at Annalong Masonic Hall for our lunch.

October run 2016 - Markethill Masonic Hall
A run around Armagh stopping for some brilliant hospitality at Markethill Masonic hall.
2017 Gallery

First Run 2017
Leaving Bangor and heading over on the Portaferry Ferry to visit both Newry and Armagh Masonic halls.

Members April Run
Covering both North and South stopping off at Carlingford at the view point on some perfect roads in perfect weather.

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
Handover of cheque to 2016's Charity Fibromyalgia Support N.I. thanks to our members, we were able to hand over £1750 to a very thankful Maragret from FMSNI, roll on next years !

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
Annual Glastry Run
Down supporting Glastry churches fund raiser night for Cancer Focus NI and of course supporting the BBQ !

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
May members run
A jaunt around Antrim and stopping off to support the Masonic Historical Vehicle Clubs first meeting and event.

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
June members run
A lap around the Mournes and stopping in Annalong's Masonic hall for our lunch sampling the best fish and chips you can buy, as always fantastic hospitality from Annalong.

July members run
A fantastic day spent up and around the North Coast, great to see some new faces out as well.

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
August Members Run
A visit to Markethill Masonic Hall and great day out around Armagh.

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
September Members Run
A run through plum and the sperrins, perfect weather and great company as always for one of our last runs of 2017.

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
October Members Run - Last Run of 2017
A run through Northern Ireland visiting 5 Masonic Lodges to spell out WSMBA on our final run of the year the Crossword run .
Great hospitality from every lodge we visited.
2018 Gallery

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
First Run 2018
A quick run around the Ards Peninsula and a lunch stop to break us in for the start of the year.

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
April Members Run
Are second of 2018 out around South Down and Carlingford, with 27 bikes heading out in perfect weather.

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
Presidents Night '18
2018's Presidents night was a great night spent with great company and the usual craic. Always a good social night to kick the season off !

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
Hill Of Tara June
Our 5th Birthday run took us back to one of our first large runs and down to the Hill of Tara in County Meath, brilliant day.

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
July - National Rally
Over 360 Masons, partners and children turned up for what was a fantastic weekend of bikes the final total raised from the rally for charity was £9000 which will go to different charities in NI.

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
Armagh Tour '18
A trip around Armagh and our annual stop for a lunch break at Markethill Masonic hall with great hospitality !

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
September Members Run '18
Into the Sperrins we went and stopped off at Gortin Masonic Hall for lunch, big thank you to the guys for the tea, coffee and buns and a warm welcome as always on a brilliant run out.
2019 Gallery

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons

Widows Sons
Back in the saddle '19
Our first run out for 2019 meeting at Galwally house for a cheque presentation to Tiny Life NI then for a damp coastal run down to Newcastle !

April and May 2019
Our members run to Balintoy Masonic Hall, our presentation to the Air Ambulance Northern Ireland and Mays members run to the Mid West of Ireland.

Presidents night 2019
Great night in the Mount Masonic Club to kick of the start of 2019s run calendar and get ourselves ready for another fantastic year.

June and July 2019
Gortin Masonic Hall visit on our run, lunch with a visiting American WS, a run to Limavady Masonic Hall and charity run for the Air Ambulance NI with one of our Road marshalls mother's and the National Rally 2019

August and September 2019
Handing a cheque to Autism Support Kilkeel and our monthly members run to Market Hill Masonic Hall and also a visit to Mahee Island Masonic Hall.